January, 2024

27Jan9:30 AM12:30 PMWorkshop on Porn and Sex Addiction: Delusion, Damage and DeliveranceHYBRID9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Event Type:Webinar Contact Hours: 2

Event Details

The internet is swarmed with pornographic materials – 500,000 websites and 370 million pages. Every second, over 30,000 internet users are viewing porn, while 68 million people search for porn materials every day. Internet porn is captivating because it is accessible, affordable and anonymous.

With easy internet access via social media, email and mobile apps, the average age of first exposure to porn is as young as 11 years old. Adults are not spared either – with 40 million of them visiting these websites on a regular basis.

This workshop will help counsellors, lay leaders and people-helpers to understand how porn affect people spiritually, emotionally and physiologically. From the physiological perspective, we will examine how porn activates neurochemicals in the brain to create addictive behaviour.

Porn also affects relationships with loved ones as affected individuals lose interest to build emotional ties. Spiritually, Jesus warned that if our eye is bad, our whole body will be full of darkness. The workshop will also discuss other aspects and causes of sex addiction and provide practical steps based on scriptural and psychological principles on how to help affected individuals break free from their addiction.

Open to parents, church workers and anyone who wish to be equipped to work with affected individuals and their families.

Date: 27 Jan 2024

Time:  9:30am to 12:30pm


Venue: Glad Tiding PJ


via ZOOM (for out of Klang Valley Participants)

Registration Fees:

  • RM70 (for members)
  • RM50 (for members who sign up full LCC course)
  • RM100 (for non-members)

NACC Contact Hours Awarded: 2 hours

(This is the part of the 60-hour Certificate in Lay Christian Counselling [LCC] )


  1. Online registration at www.nacc-malaysia.org
  2. Registration via email and Online Transfer to Bank account, with your full name and membership number (if any):
  3. Payee information:  National Association of Christian Counsellors MBB A/C No. 5122 3134 8681

** Important: Please email your registration and bank in or transfer payment confirmation to:  office@nacc-malaysia.org, otherwise we cannot register you for this course.

Contact Hours



(Saturday) 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Purchase Tickets

Tickets are not available for sale any more for this event!


  • Patrick Cheng

    Patrick Cheng

    He has been in Christian full-time ministry in both the church and para-church context for more than three decades. He is the president of NACC Malaysia. He is a part-time lecturer at a local university and a licensed counsellor at a professional counselling center, helping clients on both individual and couple therapy. He also conducts talks and workshops on emotional excellence, counselling skills, strong marriages and smart parenting. He holds a Bachelor in Theology, a Master in Pastoral Counselling and a Master in Counselling. He has been married for over 30 years and has two grown-up sons.