May, 2020

02May2:00 PM5:00 PMSold Out!Workshop on Understanding Sexual Orientation from a Biblical and Psychological PerspectiveOnline Workshop via ZOOM2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Event Type:Workshop Contact Hours: 2

Event Details

Sexual orientation refers to an individual’s emotional, romantic and sexual attraction to others. Besides the traditional attraction of opposite genders, sexual orientation now include homosexual, bisexual and asexual.

Many researchers opined that many factors contribute to a person’s sexual orientation including environmental, emotional, hormonal, and biological. As the Bible advocates for heterogenous relationships, this workshop seeks to understand how we can extend love and grace to others of a different sexual orientation without compromising God’s truth.

Target Audience

Open to parents, church workers and anyone who wish to understand sexual orientation to help others more effectively.


  1. To understand the development of gender identity and how it impacts sexual orientation.
  2. To provide a biblical perspective on homosexuality and create a supportive environment where same-sex strugglers can encounter truth and grace.
  3. To equip participants with a framework on how to connect with strugglers and see them restored to personal dignity and relational wholeness.


2 May 2020


2 pm – 5 p.m. (Saturday) via ZOOM


  • RM40 for NACC members
  • RM80 for non-members

NACC Contact Hours Awarded: 2 hours


Online registration and payment below


Contact Hours



(Saturday) 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Purchase Tickets

Tickets are not available for sale any more for this event!


  • Rev. Tryphena Law

    Rev. Tryphena Law

    Rev. Tryphena Law is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God (AG) Malaysia. She is also the Executive Director of PLUC Events Sdn Bhd, an organisation in Malaysia that provides pastoral care and pastoral counselling for those struggling with gender issues. As one who has struggled with and later overcome same-sex attraction, she has acquired deep insights into gender identity which have uniquely equipped her to journey with homosexual strugglers. Over the past 18 years, Tryphena has gained vast experience in counselling both struggling individuals as well as families impacted by gender issues. Recognised also as a vibrant and engaging multilingual communicator, she is frequently invited to speak in churches of different denominations, universities, schools and camps both locally and internationally. Her previous training as an educator has been a valuable asset in her advocacy efforts to bring awareness and enlighten communities of all ages and backgrounds on sexual identity, brokenness and recovery to wholeness.