February, 2022

Event Details
Lay counselling is the emotional and psychosocial assistance given to people in need by either staff or lay leaders who do not have a formal degree in counselling. In the
Event Details
Lay counselling is the emotional and psychosocial assistance given to people in need by either staff or lay leaders who do not have a formal degree in counselling. In the church setting, many lay counsellors have been rendering this important service to many needy people. While many Christians have both spiritual and emotional maturity through their studying of the Word of God and life’s experiences, their desire of helping others can be enhanced by undergoing some training in basic people-helping skills. This course aims to equip participants with the basic skills and knowledge to further strengthen lay counsellors in the church. The training will consist of two levels of 12 hours each.
Level 1 will examine the “what, why and how” of basic counselling skills. Fundamental counselling concepts and techniques will be discussed and examples shown from both secular and biblical narratives. Participants will learn how culture and developmental issues can be a hindrance to one’s effectiveness as a lay counsellor. The training will also increase one’s self-awareness so that the self will not be a stumbling block to helping others. Participants will see the importance of creating the right therapeutic environment with their help-seeker before any attempt to solve their problems. Participants will be shown how to build rapport with their counselees through attending skills and body language. Basic counselling skills such as restatement, paraphrase, reflection and questioning will be discussed, demonstrated and developed.
Level 2 consists of practical sessions where they can practise their learned skills using the triad method. Practice sessions will be video-taped and transcribed using the 4-column method to help in the consolidation of counselling skills and the heightening of self-awareness. The video recordings will be reviewed by a trained supervisor on a group and/or individual basis. When participants are more confident with these attending skills, they can then move on from that “lab environment” to be more effective in helping others as home-cell leaders, people-helpers or lay counsellors.
Date: (8 Saturday afternoons)
Level 1 Feb 12, 19, 26; Mar 5
Level 2 Mar 12, 19, Apr 9 & 16
2.00pm to 5.00 pm
Registration Fees:
RM400 (for members)
RM800 (for non-members)
Via Online registration at www.nacc-malaysia.org
Contact Hours:
16 contact hours will be awarded
(This is the part of the 60-hour Certificate in Lay Christian Counselling)
- Online registration at www.nacc-malaysia.org
- Registration via email and Online Transfer to Bank account, with your full name and membership number (if any) to:
Name: National Association of Christian Counsellors, Malaysia MBB A/C No. 5122 3134 8681
** Important: Please email your registration and bank in or transfer payment confirmation to: office@nacc-malaysia.org otherwise we cannot register you for this event.
Organised by:
National Association of Christian Counsellors (NACC) Malaysia
Website: www.nacc-malaysia.org
Email: office@nacc-malaysia.org
February 12 (Saturday) 2:00 pm - April 16 (Saturday) 5:00 pm
Purchase Tickets
Tickets are not available for sale any more for this event!
Patrick Cheng
Patrick Cheng
He has been in Christian full-time ministry in both the church and para-church context for more than three decades. He is the president of NACC Malaysia. He is a part-time lecturer at a local university and a licensed counsellor at a professional counselling center, helping clients on both individual and couple therapy. He also conducts talks and workshops on emotional excellence, counselling skills, strong marriages and smart parenting. He holds a Bachelor in Theology, a Master in Pastoral Counselling and a Master in Counselling. He has been married for over 30 years and has two grown-up sons.