September, 2020

Event Details
Introduction/介紹 这课程分为两部分授课,第一部分由余慧莹讲师 (Ps Phoebe Yee)讲解心理卫生与健康,包括乐龄群病患者的心理辅导和扶持,舒缓治疗,抑郁,饶恕和灵性的辅导. Mental illness is a medical illness. It is a brain disorder which is highly treatable. For many years, there have been many confusions between mental illness,
Event Details
这课程分为两部分授课,第一部分由余慧莹讲师 (Ps Phoebe Yee)讲解心理卫生与健康,包括乐龄群病患者的心理辅导和扶持,舒缓治疗,抑郁,饶恕和灵性的辅导.
Mental illness is a medical illness. It is a brain disorder which is highly treatable. For many years, there have been many confusions between mental illness, spiritual attack and certain beliefs that mental illness is “all in the mind”.
Recent advances in brain research showed that the brain circuits and chemicals affect our thoughts, feelings and behavior.
The participants will gain a better understanding on early detection of mental illness, the abnormal brain processes during an illness and treatment. A conceptual model of biopsychosocial spiritual will be explained.
- What is normal?
- Classification of mental illness.
- Common myth about mental illness
- Stigma of mental illness
- Common mental illness: Anxiety disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar disorder
- Common Mental Disorder: Psychotic Disorder, Personality disorder, Substance use disorder, Dementia, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
- Psychometric testing
- How to do psychiatric formulation and Multiaxial Diagnosis.
- Biological Treatment
- Psychological Treatment
- Social and Spiritual Intervention
- Summary
- 什么是正常的?
- 精神疾病的分类
- 对精神疾病常见的错误观念
- 精神疾病的污名与误解
- 常见的精神疾病:焦虑症,强迫症,恐慌症,创伤后压力症,忧郁症,躁郁症
- 常见的精神障碍:思觉失调,边缘型人格,上瘾/ 物质滥用,失智症,注意力不足过动症。
- 精神疾病的心理测试
- 如何进行心理治疗的程序和多轴诊断
- 生理治疗
- 心理治疗
- 社交与属灵的介入
- 总结
Target audience/观众对象
Open to pastors, church workers, lay counselors and anyone who wish to be equipped to help others more effectively
5 & 26 Sept 2020 (Saturday)
九月5号& 26 号 (星期六)
1:30 pm – 6:00p.m
下午1.30 至 6.00
Charis Christian Centre, Cheras
- RM 120.00 for NACC members (NACC 会员)
- RM 240.00 for non-members (非NACC会员)
NACC Contact Hours Awarded: 4 hours
- Online registration and payment below
- Crossed cheque in the name of “National Assoc of Christian Counsellors” and send by post to the NACC office at:
No. 2-2B, Block K, Jalan PJU 1/3A, Sunway MAS Commercial Centre, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. - Registration via email and Online Transfer to Bank account, with your full name and membership number (if any):
Name: National Association of Christian Counsellors, Malaysia
MBB A/C No. 5122 3134 8681
** Important: For payment methods 2 & 3, please email your registration and bank in or transfer payment confirmation to: otherwise we cannot register you for this event.
Contact Hours
5 (Saturday) 1:30 PM - 26 (Saturday) 6:00 PM
Charis Christian Centre
62B, Jalan Siput Akek, Taman Billion, 56000 Kuala Lumpur.
Purchase Tickets
Tickets are not available for sale any more for this event!
Dr. Vincent Wong
Dr. Vincent Wong
Dr. Vincent Wong is married with 2 children. He worships at the Wesley Methodist Church, Klang and believes that everyone is a precious child of God. He is a Consultant Psychiatrist, currently in private practice in Klang. He graduated as a medical doctor from University Malaya and specialize in psychiatry at UKM. He has 18 years of experience, helping people with mental disorder and promoting good mental health. He serves as a board member with Focus on the Family. He is passionate about good mental health and promoting healthy families.
Ps. Phoebe Yee (余慧瑩傳道)
Ps. Phoebe Yee (余慧瑩傳道)
余慧瑩傳道在馬來西亞學神院(Seminari Theoloji Malaysia)完成其道學學士位,因看見家庭會影響一個人而去香港伯特利神學院考取其基督教婚姻與家庭治療碩士學位和臨床牧關教育證書。 回馬國後在馬來西亞聖經學院(馬來西亞聖經學院)教授輔導課程,同時是Rekindle System for Systemic Therapy的治療師。本身是香港專業輔導協會的會員(HKPCA),並繼續取其美國婚姻及家庭治療學會(AAMFT)之認證。